Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Term "Lawyer Up"

"Lawyer up" is a term associated with hiring the services of a lawyer or attorney at the first sight of trouble.  While, this is a good strategy for people who have more money, it's not always the best case scenario.

There are a number of legal matters that you can handle yourself, such as incorporating or an asset and children free divorce.  However, bankruptcy, messy divorces, criminal cases, etc. are important, life-changing events that require the services of a good attorney to not only give you the best advice but also provide the best shot at a reduced impact on life.  Attorney services cost a lot of money, but you do get what you pay for.

If you want to avoid attorney fees, the best thing to do is stay out of trouble (Captain Obvious to the rescue!)


  1. Thanks for clarifying that. I had an image of John Wayne straddling a guy in a suit for some reason.

  2. Looks like I have to "lawyer up!"

  3. O.J. Simpson is familiar with the term, I'm sure.

  4. but staying out of trouble isn't any fun!!

  5. Usually a term I hear around police precincts - or on Law and Order. haha

  6. haha i love captain obvious. probably the best advice ive seen on blogger so far =P

  7. And then there are companies/people that have lawyers on retainer and never have to worry about lawyering up.

  8. thank you for great advices

  9. lol good call man thats what I always say too

  10. Okay, never heard of that expression. :)

  11. dude i hate lawyers greedy sons of b*tches

  12. Yeah I like the last sentence best :X

  13. I have always heard these terms in TV shows lol

  14. I prefer Marshall from How I Met Your Mother's "LAWYERED" every time he uses law to make somebody look dumb.

  15. its funny how when people sue someone else or a company for money, they end up with nothing anyway, that is after all the attorney fees!

  16. But but but I like getting in trouble. It's not that you have to stay out of trouble, you just need to not get caught!

  17. Haha yeah. I never want to have to pay a lawyer. Though I don't know the law as well as them, the fact that they are able to make so much money is sickening. They aren't saving anyone's life or anything (especially because they don't determine the outcome of the trial!)

  18. lawyer bailout great blog

  19. i've got a good lawyer on speed dial! not that i've ever needed to call him, but you never can be too careful!

  20. I really don't want to require one of these guys, I like my money...

  21. I knew it!
    I feel so smart right now!

  22. i have one attorney and two lawyers
