Monday, November 15, 2010

Do You Really Need a Lawyer?

In cases where you're getting charged with a crime or getting sued, it's a no-brainer that you'll need a lawyer to advise you with your situation.

Your lawyer will be able to listen to your situation, make the recommendation to proceed, and aid you in fighting for the most beneficial position for you. When faced with a crime or lawsuit, some people decide to represent themselves, but most of the time the outcome isn't as favorable compared to that when an attorney is present.

In other situations where you have a brush with the law, you might not need an attorney. For example, if you get a moving violation (i.e. speeding) while driving, it's common not to require the help of a lawyer. Also, if someone is taking you to small claims court for $200, the price of a lawyer might outweigh losing the case.

When considering whether or not to enlist the services of a lawyer, you must ask yourself, "What's at stake?" If your finances or liberties are at stake, then consulting with an attorney is the smart thing to do. For example, if your financial situation is so dire that the best option is to file a Chapter 7 of Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, then you should seek the help of a bankruptcy attorney to aid you through the process and file the correct paperwork so that the bankruptcy process and eventual discharge occur in the shortest period of time possible.


  1. I think a lawyer is always welcome when dealing with a litigation but yeah it depends on your budget also

  2. I hope to never need one - but it is always good to know. ;)

  3. Well gotta say lawyers can be useful :D

  4. I have no affinity with this. I hope it never comes that far....

  5. Nah I'm gonna be my own attorney and use the chewbacca defense.

  6. nice tips... and often it just make your "problem" urgent when you just say "maybe i should talk to my lawyer to clear this" to make some pressure :)

  7. for now i dont need one

  8. i need a cheap lawyer probably lol

  9. hopefully i'll never need their services

  10. 199 bucks here i come!!! haha

  11. i hope i don't never need a lawyer :P

  12. hopefully i'll never need their services [2]

  13. hopefully i will never need one - but in case i thinks it's worth the money..

  14. Good information as always, thanks

  15. I want a lawyer. Just for the hell of it.

  16. everyone does. what kind of question is that

  17. I really hope i never have to Lawyer up! The thought makes me not happy because obviously something is not right if there is cause for worry. :(

  18. I hope that I don't need their services

  19. Lol I hope i don't have to hire a lawyer lol

  20. lawyers can defnitely be very helpful.

  21. Great post, I always wondered this causelawyers are darn expensive

  22. man i had to hire a lawyer for a criminal case and he saved my life! It would have been impossible for me to accomplish what he was able to

  23. dont need one for small claims court

  24. Luckily, I have a few friends who are going into law. I bet they can help me for cheap. :D

  25. ive needed a lawyer a few times, didnt really freaking matter thou. still got the book threw at me.

  26. Small things arent worth doing in court then... good to know. Ill settle things the old fashioned way

  27. lawyers usually cost more then if you get convicted ^

  28. great post! amazing stuff ;D

  29. Wouldn't the word be more peaceful without lawyers though? lol

  30. Nah. Steal less than 20 dollars. They can't sue you for that.
